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It is important to make the right choice for your child. Ainsfield School provides a happy, caring and safe environment to the students.


We work hard to ensure that your child’s experience of school is a positive one, which encourages a love of learning and self-discipline from the start.

The school is now an ‘all-integrated’ institution. The primary section was amalgamated with the existing Nursery and Infant sections.

The amalgamation has been very successful – visitors to the school often comment on how happy, friendly and confident the children are from Nursery through to Grade 6.


Children in our school come from many different cultural backgrounds, they have different religions and they speak many different languages.


We celebrate and value this diversity. We encourage the children to be proud of their own culture, religion and language and to show respect for those of others.

The curriculum in the school is planned with priority given to developing high standards of literacy and numeracy, both as discrete subjects and their application within the broad range of curriculum at our school.

School Kids
School Children

At Ainsfield School, we also focus on developing all children’s social, emotional, mental and physical well-being through providing a range of engaging learning programmes and a large number of after school private classes.

Playing in a Tunnel
Family in the Park

A positive partnership with parents is vital in achieving our aims. Home and school must work together and we need your support and cooperation.

In return, we hope you will find the school welcoming, willing to listen and willing to respond to your questions, concerns or suggestions.

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