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25 Minutes WorkOut - Wk 4

Karate & PE
Sensei Christopher

Fourth Week of Work Out

The bellow link can be helpful for students to workout their flexibility at home.

06 april

Petite chanson

Music Classes
Miss Clarine

Petite chanson pour vous les amis

02 april

Votre chanson préférée

Music Classes
Miss Clarine

Salut mes cheris. 

Une petite chanson pour vous. C'est votre chanson préférée

02 april

Script Video Recordings

Drama Classes
Mr Christopher

1) To send a recording of them whereby they are reciting 5 texts of their corresponding part of the script by heart. 

2 ) To tell a summary of the lion king (Scene 1 to Scene 5) without looking at the script. 

Send your recordings to or by clicking on the LINK below

02 april

25 Minutes WorkOut - Wk 3

Karate & PE
Sensei Christopher

Third Week of Work Out

There are some interesting youtube videos as well. 

The links are as follows:



03 april

Grade 4 et 5 - Les Accords

Music Classes
Miss Carine

Participating in activities you are passionate about can increase your brain function

Salut les Grades 4 et 5 . Soyez attentif et n'oubliez pas de prendre votre guitare devant Vous. Exercez en même temps les accords.

26 march

Se laver en chanson

Music Classes
Miss Carine

Participating in activities you are passionate about can increase your brain function

Pour vous les touts petits. Cette chanson vous aidera à garder une bonne hygiène à la maison

26 march

Comptine Classe Maternelle

Music Classes
Miss Carine

Participating in activities you are passionate about can increase your brain function

Coucou mes petits amis, je suis là. Ces petites chansons vous feront danser et être de bonne humeur. 

La plupart des chansons ont déjà été chantées à l'école. 

Gros bisous

26 march

20 Minutes WorkOut - WK 2

Karate & PE
Sensei Christopher

High endurance sports, for example, will train you to focus and build stamina in the face of intense difficulty

WK 2 of Homebase Workout. Keep the rhythm and let's get the intensity building up

24 march

Comptine pour Bébé

Music Classes
Miss Carine

Participating in activities you are passionate about can increase your brain function

Bonjour les petits. Ces chansons vous aideront à passer vos journées, avec des petits conseils d'hygiène. Retenez-les en s'amusant! Cliquez sur 'LINK'.

23 march

Guitar Tutorial

Music Classes
Miss Carine

Participating in activities you are passionate about can increase your brain function

Kids, here's a little guitar tutorial which gets you to know some chords. Enjoy the tune!

21 march

20 Minutes WorkOut - WK 1

Karate & PE
Sensei Christopher

High endurance sports, for example, will train you to focus and build stamina in the face of intense difficulty

This is a workout you may do at home. This 20 minutes workout will keep you physically and morally fit

21 march




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